Shein becomes the third largest online fashion retailer in the United States

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  (Reporter Jin Zhigang) Recently, the global data and commercial intelligence platform Statista quoted the latest data of the ECDB website that SHEIN ranked the third largest online fashion retailer in the United States.Before.Shein has also become the only Chinese company in the top five online fashion retailers in the United States.

  According to data from the ECDB website, Amazon and Wal -Mart are the top two fashion retailers in the United States. Both retailers sell various types of products through online and physical stores. In 2023, the net sales of fashion reached US $ 12.3 billion and 8.9 billion US dollars.Subsequent SHEIN, with the provision of rich diversified and cost -effective fashion products and high -quality and convenient services, SHEIN has surpassed the fourth -ranked American traditional retailer Max Department Store and the fifth ranking Nike (Nike), the fifth ranking,The two companies’ net sales in 2023 were US $ 6.4 billion and $ 4.5 billion, respectively.

  At present, Shein has formed a unique model of the development of the “independent brand+platform” dual engine.On the one hand, in the field of independent brands, SHEIN has created independent fashion brands, including Shein with innovative flexibility and online retail models. At the same time, SHEIN has continuously used digital technology to empower the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries.In -depth empowerment of the information and digital transformation of suppliers, make the overall information circulation, matching and collaboration more efficient. While meeting consumer fashion needs, it can effectively reduce inventory, reduce waste, and improve the overall efficiency of the industry.

  According to statistics, as of the end of 2023, SHEIN self -service subsidies helped over 130 suppliers’ factories of 430,000 square meters of factory expansion and reconstruction, with 22,000 beneficiaries, and held more than 600 suppliers to enable training;More than 400 supplier employees’ families.

  Among the “Top Ten Top Ten Growth Brands in the United States in 2023” released by the US authoritative consulting company Morning Consult, shein and ChatGPT, OpenAI, Facebook, Cocacola and other international head brands were selected.The only fashion brand in the range.

Picture source/interview object provided  (Reporter Jin Zhigang) Recently, the global data and commercial intell