Cultivation of green, healthy, and fashionable consumption growth points in Shanxi Province in Shanxi Province "Cotton Textile Consumption Season" activity in Shanxi Province

China News Network Taiyuan, April 26th (Gao Yuqing) In order to expand the consumption of cotton textile clothing and cultivate new consumption growth points, it was sponsored by the Shanxi Provincial Department of Commerce and the Shanxi Retail Industry Association.The provincial “Cotton Textile Consumption Season” event was launched on the 26th in Taiyuan.

As one of the 2024 “Consumption Promotion Year” activities, the “Cotton Textile Consumption Season” activity is based on the theme of “jointly weaving a better life” and adheres to the government’s platform, enterprise participation, and market operations.Increase high -quality supply of cotton textile clothing, expand the consumption of cotton textile clothing, and better meet the needs of the people’s good life.

It is understood that during the event, Shanxi will carry out the themes such as home textiles, fashion, towels and other themes through important consumer nodes such as May 1st, and promote consumer activities through important consumer nodes such as May Day.Encourage enterprises to innovate consumption scenarios, combine regional characteristics, seasonal characteristics and local consumption habits, and adapt to innovation according to local conditions, actively cultivate green, healthy, and fashionable consumption growth points, adapt to the new style of independent brands and traditional culture, organize the development of cotton spinning national style, cotton spinning, cotton spinning, cotton spinningThe theme consumption of the workplace.

At the same time, the province encourages large e -commerce platforms to use store celebrations and anniversary celebrations to carry out preferential promotions to promote online and offline integration, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of enterprises, strengthen the online e -commerce platform, offline shopping malls, supermarkets, and market docking.Carry out online and offline joint promotions such as special promotions, live broadcasts and goods, and give full play to the advantages of online e -commerce platforms. The advantages of offline large -scale shopping malls and shopping centers will be achieved to achieve online and offline consumption superimposed linkage.

China News Network Taiyuan, April 26th (Gao Yuqing) In order to expand the consumption of cotton textile clothing and c