World Anti -Doping Agency: Still firmly supports the scientific investigation results of Chinese swimmers

Xinhua News Agency, Montreal, Canada, April 21st (Reporter Lin Wei) World Anti -Doping Agency (WADA) reiterated on the 21st, saying that after reviewing a documentary about Chinese swimmers released by German TV (ARD), WADA still”Firmly supports” his scientific investigation results and legal decisions of Chinese athletes, and will hold a press conference to clarify related facts.
In a statement issued by WADA on the 21st, WADA noticed that ARD released a related documentary. After reviewing it, Wada still firmly supported his previous survey results and decisions.WADA’s independent intelligence and investigation department followed up all the charges received, and these allegations were not confirmed by any evidence.
The statement states that all scientific evidence and intelligence collected, evaluated and tested based on the experts and intelligence experts collected, evaluated and tested by experts in Qumezine Pharmaceuticals. According to the “World Anti -Doping Regulations”, WADA did not question the China Anti -Doping Center’s investigation based on the China Anti -Doping RegulationsAs a result, the World Swimming Federation also accepted this position.
WADA announced that a press conference will be held on the morning of the 22nd local time to clarify related facts.The chairman of the World Anti -Doping Agency Banka and relevant officials will attend the press conference to answer media questions.
In January 2021, in the National Swimming hegemony of Zhengding County, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, the China Anti -Doping Center was performed by a stimulant inspection.The results showed that the samples of athletes were very low -concentrations of Qumeizine positive.The China Anti -Doping Center launched an in -depth and detailed investigation from all aspects in all aspects, and combined with relevant evidence such as stimulant inspections and testing to determine that the athletes involved did not intentionally use the prohibited substances, and positive is not the use of drugs, nutritional products and other factors caused by factors such as drugs, nutritional products, etc.During the competition, it was caused by the food that was contaminated by the vanomezine contaminated without knowing it.
WADA has fully reviewed the case, arguing that the possibilities of vanomezine from pollution cannot be refuted. The detection data in the materials of the case also meet the possibility of pollution. It should be determined that the athletes have no fault or negligence.According to relevant regulations, in order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of athletes, do not deal with the stimulant violations and the relevant parties have not appealed to the case, and the results of the handling of the results are not announced.
The World Anti -Doping Agency was established in 1999.Its main task is to coordinate and supervise global anti -doping affairs, formulate anti -stimulus regulations and a series of standards, and guide and standardize anti -doping work in various places.(over)

Xinhua News Agency, Montreal, Canada, April 21st (Reporter Lin Wei) World Anti -Doping Agency (WADA) reiterated on the 21st, saying that after rev